5 Signs That It’s Time for Your Business to Hit The Brand Refresh Button

What is rebranding, what does a business rebrand involve and how do you know when it’s time to rebrand your business? Here’s five simple signs that it may be time to relook at your branding.

Firstly, let’s start at the beginning; what is rebranding, and why would your business need to do it?

Quite simply, rebranding is the process of changing the existing branding of your company or business, and it can include everything from realigning your customer experience to your current values, the feel of your business, and the tone of voice you use in communicating with potential clients.

Why do businesses do it?

Rebranding is all about marketing, and the intention of a business rebrand is to develop a fresh, new, unique identity so that it stands out from the crowd and leaves a long-lasting, memorable impression in the minds of potential clients.

So, what does a business rebrand involve? It could be just one or two things, or you might decide it’s time for a complete overhaul. But the types of things a rebrand could include are:

  • A new business name
  • A new logo
  • A new visual identity which includes things like fonts, colours, and images
  • A new or redesigned website
  • A new vision for your business
  • A new style or tone of voice for your business communications.

So how do you know when it’s time to rebrand your business? Here’s five simple reasons it’s time.

1. Your current business branding no longer represents who you are

Many businesses, especially when they’re first starting out, aren’t sure who their target audience is, what their ideal client looks like, or what their brand goals are.

Which is okay for a while, but as your business grows and your visions and ideals change, you might feel that your branding either no longer represents your business in the right way or doesn’t truly reflect who you are and your values, which is a sure-fire way to know that it’s time for a rebrand.

2. You’re getting lost in the crowd

If your business is getting lost in a sea of similar businesses, it may well be time for a rebrand to help you stand out from the crowd.

Having a strong brand strategy that includes your values, mission, vision, and personality will all help make your business unique.

And something super important to remember is that a brand is a person’s feeling about a particular product, service, or business. Which means if your potential clients see your business as the same as so many others, then it’s time for a rebrand.

Image of a man working with his ideal client

3. You’re not attracting your ideal clients

If you’ve been working with customers who aren’t your ideal clients, a business rebrand should definitely be on the cards.

Because here’s the thing. To target a different type of customer than the ones you’re currently attracting, your business and branding need to resonate with them.

So, by rebranding your business, not only will you reinvent the way potential customers perceive you, but you’ll also be able to connect with your ideal target audience on a much deeper level.

4. You’ve outgrown your existing brand

Since you started your business, it’s taken off; you’re moving in the right direction and doing great. But, if you feel as if your direction has changed, you’re looking to target a new audience, or if you have new products or services to offer, then it’s time to hit the refresh button on your branding.


Because your brand should always reflect who you are as a business and your vision, and if this isn’t the case, then you might be confusing potential clients. But that doesn’t mean you need to leave everything about your old brand behind. Sure, there may be some weaknesses in your current branding, but there’s also likely to be some incredible strengths which you’ll want to continue moving forward.

Image of Brand Strategy & Rebranding

5. You’ve never had a complete brand identity

When you’re first starting in business, particularly if you’re a small business owner, nine times out of 10, you won’t have the money to invest in a complete brand identity.

You might have only had enough money to have a logo and some business cards designed, or you might have even gone down the DIY road.

And if that’s the case, then it might well be that your business branding doesn’t look cohesive or well put together now, which means it’s time for a rebrand.

Successful brands will often have a brand strategy that includes a colour palette, font selections, logo variations, and a whole bunch of other really useful stuff you can use when you’re marketing your business.

Is any of this sounding familiar? If it is, then it’s time to hit the refresh button on your business branding.

Now what?

Well, here’s a couple of super important things to keep in mind.

  • Invest in a rebranding specialist.

    If you think a rebranding specialist is out of your budget, consider the value that a rebranding expert will bring to your business versus the investment costs. Because a rebranding professional will create a memorable brand for your business that will pay off in spades in the long run.

    And another huge bonus is that at the end of your rebrand, your designer should provide you with brand guidelines, keeping everything consistent.

  • Listen to your audience.

    Your brand should speak to your audience, so even though it can be tough, you need to keep your personal preferences to the side. Because to get that deeper connection with your ideal clients, see engagement, and increase sales, your branding should be designed with them in mind.

    The moral of the story? Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal client and try to see your brand from their perspective before you go making any big rebranding design decisions.

If your business is ready for a rebrand, or if you’d just like to chat with us about where you are and where you’d like to be, we’d love to hear from you. At Studio Sondar, we love helping people figure out why their current branding isn’t working and finding ways to take their business to the next level.


Written By the Studio Sondar Team
November 9, 2021
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