Growing your Business Community Through Events That Bring Value

There’s no better feeling than coming together as a community and achieving something. You can use that same experience to reach further with your business. All it takes is a bit of time, care, and energy shared between you and your fellow business folk.

Recently, we’ve been working with NINKI, and the wonderful Chanelle Le Roux on an intimate monthly community networking event called G&T Nights, Gin and Training.

It’s been a great experience and something that we’ve been looking to do for a long time for many reasons. Business networking has always been a big help to my business and my relationships, so I’m excited to dive into it whenever I get the opportunity.

And you should too.

The collective value of networking

As a small business owner or even as a team member, networking has many, many stand out benefits. Benefits like; getting new leads, having access to advice and mentorship, and, best of all, communication with your peers.

It’s always a great use of your time.

But so much of the value actually comes from the community that you build with networking. Bringing people with similar views, values, and experiences together to share their trials and successes lifts everyone up. It also provides opportunities to people just starting out, and in turn, those new folks bring in fresh ideas to boost everyone else.

A networking community is a rising tide, and a great way to build one is to host events.

How to make the most out of an event (and do it regularly!)

The secret to a great networking event is to make it enticing to the right people. So, the first thing you have to get right is genuinely understanding your community.

Who are they? Maybe you’re targeting women in web-based businesses. Or people who work with not-for-profits.

Do some research, find out where they are, when they’re free, and what they’d turn up for at an event.

Once you have an idea of your future networking group, work out how to provide real value to the attendees. That could mean providing them industry information that can help their business, or even super accessible networking opportunities. Maybe it’s just a break from the daily grind that people so desperately need!

Whatever you manage to do, make sure it’s front and centre. The value will get people in the door, and if you want the best people to be involved, you need to make a great offer.

Don’t put all your energy into making a valuable, enticing event. You still need a heavy focus on facilitating a networking environment. You can do plenty to help people get involved, network, exchange ideas, swap contact information, and come out of the event with a strong sense of community. Some attendees won’t need any help, but some people will really benefit from a bit of warming up.

Bring someone who will happily engage with people keeping to the fringes; a little help can go a long way for someone feeling a little unsure. And don’t just start up the networking when the event starts; give people an opportunity to chat with their fellow attendees as soon as they buy a ticket. It helps people feel more comfortable at the event, provides additional networking value, and may even help you sell tickets a little earlier.

A great event can help a group of people network and expand their contacts, but a regular event can build a community. Keep the ball rolling and mix it up so it’s worthwhile for people to attend multiple times. Following up with attendees will give you a stronger relationship with the people you want in the community and can also give you the feedback you need to improve your event.

Communities take effort, so be active and encourage your attendees to be active too.

Who here likes gin?

If all this community networking talk makes you as excited as me, come along to our next G&T Night. Each month, we have a new guest speaker paired with a different local gin distillery. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn something new and an even better chance to network and meet some of the wonderful professionals in the area.

Our next event is on the 23rd of June, 2022 and it’ll be me delivering a 1.5-hour workshop on discovering your brand’s purpose. There will also be a tasting by Ounce Gin, some nibbles, and an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded folk.

Written By the Studio Sondar Team
June 1, 2022
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