Here’s 5 simple reasons why giving back will be good for your business success.

Not only does giving back give your business a purpose bigger than itself, but it also makes sense from a business perspective.

Do you ever wonder how some businesses continue to succeed and manage to do good and give back in meaningful ways at the same time?

Well, you’re in the right place because we’re going to show you how your business can make a profit while also making a positive, conscious impact in society!

Did you know that millennials account for $2.5 trillion in spending power, and over 70% of them prefer to shop with brands that support causes, give back to a cause, to a community or the world?

So, not only does giving back give your business a purpose bigger than itself, but it also makes sense from a business perspective.

So, how can you give back and get back without completely changing your business structure?

Here's 5 easy-peasy ways you can create success and benefit from giving. And trust us; it's easier than you think!


When we think about giving back, we think of making donations or sponsoring charities.

But if you’re not in the financial position right now, giving back can be as easy as making small switches that have great impacts. For instance, switch your regular printing paper to 100% recycled paper from a company like Words With Heart who make a difference in the lives of others.

Yep, it can be as easy as that! Make it your company culture to make positive switches in the running of your business, and you’ll find increased morale, better positioning in your marketplace and more sales from people that respect small businesses that actually care.


What’s one thing that everyone in the world loves? It’s free stuff!

And no, this doesn’t mean you have to give away half your store stock, donate your car or fill a briefcase with cash. It’s about sharing your knowledge, your expertise and your experience with others. Which can be as simple as doing a monthly video as a ‘how-to’ on a common issue people have or even just giving weekly tips and tricks.

By solving people’s problems without asking for a sale, you’ll create a loyal following that is way more likely to recommend you to friends or buy into your product or service when they need to go that extra step.

So, if you show how much you care about your potential clients, they’ll be your fans, your spokespeople and your advocates!


What’s the most important factor of business success? Your people!

Build an environment for your employees where it’s more than just making money because by creating an atmosphere and culture that motivates them, you’ll breed abundance and success.

And, by creating a purpose for your business that involves giving back to the community, you’ll find team members who share the same values. Which means you’ll have a team of employees who want to give back to the community as much as you do. Think fundraising, team volunteering, or the occasional pro bono work, but let your team decide what cause aligns with them.

Now, with a culture based on giving, you can expect a huge boost in employee morale, your team will bond on a much higher level, and your brand and team are in alignment with your values!


In small businesses, sometimes you need to feel secure in having a ‘war chest’ of funds behind you, making it hard to donate large funds to an organisation.

But charitable donations can come in small forms that create big differences! One example is to work with your team to decide what cause you want to support.


Because by giving them a voice, your team will be motivated, empowered and invested in your company. Which means the profits you make as a result of your team’s work will go further and further with a more purpose-filled incentive behind them.

Find a fundraising event that aligns with your team’s cause of choice. Make it ongoing, consistent and important. It can be as easy as participating in the Walk A Mile for Hutt Street every year, which our team does. So, with a team decision and a consistent commitment, your benefits can be endless.


We already know that people love free stuff, but here’s an idea of how your business can give and get in return with the much-loved freebie.

Why not find a cause that needs your specific skillset and do a project for them for free, such as building a pro bono website, or hosting a free social media workshop, something specific to your skills that they otherwise might struggle to access.

And you’ll not only help your community, but you’ll empower your team by showing them that you give a shit!

Want to know how you can create more impact?

Downloading our free e-book, Your Free Guide to Doing Good will give you more examples of how you can give back and do good while still building a successful business.

At Studio Sondar, we’re all about creating greater social impact because you not only fill your soul, but you’ll also create abundance in your business.

If you want to chat with us about where you’re at, where you want to be, and how to get there, we’d love to hear from you! Or, we’d love to know what your business is doing to make the world a better place.

Written By the Studio Sondar Team
July 28, 2021
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